Goodbye 2015
Hello Everyone! As 2015 ends, I'd like to say goodbye to it and everything negative that came with it. Whether the problems were internal or external, I want to cleanse myself of any bad energy and toxic things/people that made me unhappy. Let's surround ourselves with positive people. Please don't get me wrong... I believe 2015 was good to me. I actually focused more on blogging & creating YouTube videos more consistently, which makes me extremely happy. I grew close with some of the most genuine people that I have ever met, and for that I am unspeakably thankful. I feel like 2015 helped me open up to a lot of new things that I just needed to experience. The highlights... I'm sure you all already know what I'm going to say haha. They were definitely the concerts I went to! This past February, I saw Lights for the very first time live, she is my favorite female artist. Next, I saw one of my favorite pop punk bands for the first ti...