Update & Deleting Social Media

Hello Everyone!

      How are you all? I wanted to discuss why I have not been uploading YouTube videos every week on my channel RoseLifeXO. I noticed that I did very well during the month of December! Which I'm happy about. Haha Anyway, it is because I had been moving houses and if you all have not experienced that, then let me tell you that it is very stressful. Especially with a big family and having college every morning (plus sometimes evenings). Even though yes, I have been under a lot of emotional/physical stress... I will be fine. Basically, me filming while feeling down would've been negative. I enjoy sharing parts of my life with you all, but I rather keep a balance of me being real and keeping negative things off of my content. My motive is to spread positivity. The last thing I want to do is complain, so I will not do that! Overall, I am happy about the move and glad that I am almost settled in. The place will only be temporary, but I do not want to get into that.

     On a more positive note, I had a special burst of inspiration. Haha. I've been planning a lot of new and fun things to do this year. I've seen a lot of things lately that scream out ''You only have one life, live it to the fullest'', such as opportunities and my wise/hilarious history professor that keeps telling his students to travel when they're young. I couldn't agree more, money is over-rated... I'd rather have experiences. One of my friends took a trip to LA this week and invited my sister and I. Unfortunantly I couldn't go due to school, but there is plans for a Summer trip. I love people that enjoy adventure and are actually down to LIVE. So I also want to possibly take a roadtrip during my spring break week. That same week,  if all goes as planned my good friend from years ago (Jenni) will fly down to Texas from Canada... and we will finally meet and attend the So What Festival in March!

     So I filmed a video today and wow, after being away from the camera for some time it felt strange and I had trouble with my own words. That's why I've decided to make more snapchat videos so I continue to feel comfortable with cameras. If you would like to add me, my username is: xAleyRose. I would love to chat with you all on there!

     Speaking of social media, Damon Fizzy decided to take a social media break. I know we have mutual viewers, so I wanted to say that I fully support Damon with his decision. He is an amazing person who I've watched for a lot of years now and as some of you may know met him many times. Damon is quite an honest person who has spoken out about controversial things, which that have lead him to become a target of nonsense hate. I find this to be extremely unfair... and I'm not saying that this is the only thing that lead him to take a break, but it seems to be one of them. I just wish Damon the best and hope he gets to a place of mind with peace and happiness.

     I view social media as something that can be very positive or negative. It depends on many factors. There are bloggers/YouTubers like me just doing their thing, but then there are hateful people that enjoy putting others down. Social Media should not be seen as much different than life, in the aspect that if you would not say terrible things to people in real life then why would you say it behind a screen? Point being, surround yourself with positive people in your life and on your accounts. No-one's negativity should affect you, but people should also think before typing. I do not think that blaming social media for certain things should be a mind set that you should have. It would be giving power to negativity don't you think?


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