New Chapter

Hello Everyone!

I would like to welcome you to my blog! If you're new here or have been here for a while, THANK YOU. So I thought it was time for a much needed change and hopefully this new design is easy for you to navigate and overall have a nice experience when reading. When I first began writing on here... I had a vision for myself to simply put my thoughts, updates, on here, but most of all to listen and to talk to you all. I still do. My main goal is still to connect, hopefully bring joy and maybe even a form of inspiration to other's lives.

In no way do I view myself as a role model, but I do not view myself as a ''bad'' person. I'm not here to impress anyone with superficiality. I do not wish to contribute to a never ending cycle of hate and drama in society... especially, on the internet.

I've had so many people tell me to create a ''brand'' for myself, (I have nothing against those who do) ,but that's not me. I'm such a combination of things.

Over the last few months I've experiences a lot of things and it came to me... I want to inform my viewers about spirituality. My admiration and curiosity for the spiritual way of life began ever since I was a child with no official introduction. I don't really talk about these things, but as I grew older and went through extremely painful situations... from depression and inherited anxiety... and more things that no one should ever go through. I found healing in Christ, but a HUGE part was also meditation and looking within myself to find the strength I needed in order to continue.

Some call me an introvert. I enjoy solitude. I find comfort watching the sunset, among trees, and simply learning about people's behaviors and their way of thinking. I've been interested in yoga and meditation for as long as I can remember. The thing is, spirituality is so much more than that. It's so much more than what you ''adore'' or ''believe in'' and that's why I would like to share my journey with you all and hopefully you all will join. I use to think that enlightenment was something you just woke up to one day, but it's not... enlightenment is a process. You don't find it off in a jungle or temple... it's within you and your vibrations. Within your mind, the way you reach to other's, to life. Enlightenment is freeing your mind.

Like I said, I'm not perfect and I continue to learn everyday... but I have finally felt a change within me. Which I am extremely grateful for. Also, to clear things out. I am still of Christian faith. My spirituality does not make me less Christian. Now, before this post becomes excessively long... I will say until next time! I'm super excited to share my findings and more of my opinions with you all. I hope that you do too. I would love to know, or if you need someone to talk to I'm always here. Email me, comment, or contact me on my social media. Remember that you're beautiful, loved, and amazing. STAY CONSCIOUS.


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